The fighting was bad,
The terror was horrible,
The deaths were many,
And the sadness unbearable.
The towers went down,
All the people cried,
The lights went out
On everyones life.
The terrorists cheered for their victory had come,
Then the president went in and didn’t play dumb.
He blew everything up,
From one end to the other,
Then watched his victory as they stood in the gutter.
Then about two years later on that horrible day,
A strange thing happened that I could not explain.
He stood up said, Ill be the bigger man!
Than gave them the money to fix up their land.
The people were out raged that he would do such a thing,
But some how they knew what it would bring.
The terror was over,
For now that is,
And some day we will be at peace,
But not without a crease,
Like the ripples in the water,
The waves never stop,
The same thing happens,
With terror and hate.
The waves keep coming,
But some how people know,
That if they give up then everything will turn to foe.
We should never give up hope for that faithful sunny day,
Where everything in the world will be right as rain.
We need to believe in ourselves and in others,
So we can live in this world and not hate one another.