Love is blind
And ignorance is bliss
My first love is something that I wish Id miss
My heart was torn
My hopes were shattered
He just looked at me like nothing mattered
I tried to tell him
I wish hed hear
But he just turned to his friend and asked for a beer.
What do I do?
What do I say?
I really want to make him pay.
I hate the hurt
I hate the pain
I have the flirt
I have the blame
I want the love
Not the shame
I want the wholeness
That keeps me sane
I miss the fun
I miss the wonder
I miss the excitement
Before the blunder
I want him to burn
I want him to die
I want him to see through my eye
I want him to see what he did to me
I want him to beg
And I want him to plea
I want him to wish that he had never hurt me before
I wish that he had never walked through that door
But I can’t change the past
And I do not wish to
The only thing I do wish is that I did not miss you
I miss the way you made me feel
Like I was wanted
Like I was a big deal
I wish that feeling had never ended
But that feeling will come again
Though not with us being mended.