Tough Shit
Why am I so fucked up
If I died right now
Would anyone notice ?
Probably not
They would just blink and say oh
Another one gone
I sometimes look into the mirror and see someone else
I don't look like this
Who put me in this body
Then I blink and wake up
Like it or lump it
Your stuck like this
What if I could invent a machine
Where I could transplant my brain
Into a better body
Would it change anything
I mean
Apart from my physicality
How do people stay sane ?
I mean seriously
All this stress on them
And yet
They pretty much ‘normal’, whateva that is
I just wanna be free
Free to not be judged
Free to have things I want
For free
Free to love
And be loved in return
Well tough shit…..
By the Hopeless Writer
PM Jarvis