On my mind


I got something on my mind.
I just can't find the words to say it.
It's about you.
And how much I care for you.
I rather not dwell on the past.
All I want is for you to do well.
And I'm not the only one
Mama and daddy to...we all care about you.
Sometimes in life, it's not what it ought to be.
That theory applies to all human begins
The fact that your here is something very special.
Your blessed with something that many wish they had.
A loving family
A place to stay
And most of all you know God!
So there really is no excuses.
Sad to say not everybody lives by God's way.
That's the world we now live in.
And everybody including you is intitled to there on opinion and is obligated to make choices weather good or bad.
Everybody makes mistakes even me.
It's not so much about the mistakes we make but weather we make the choice to learn from a mistake and not repeat.
But no matter what I will always love you and know that weather choices you make God and Jesus are watching and their here to forgive and teach you to live.
Everytime something happens and involves you .
I just can't stop thinking about you and your feelings
And what might you be going through
That's what brought me to writing this poem.
Just know that no matter how "Bad" you think your life is ... there's someone out there in this world that has it twice as bad.
Depending on what ya define a "Bad" life as.
Have gratitude.
I feel the need to insprie you and tell you positive things.
And what momma and daddy tell ya that's tough love
That you might not understand
But listen it's true cause anything could happen to you.
This world is sooo evil now a days.
You have to be careful,
Be on your P's and Q's
You can't just go out in the world and think bad things can't happen to you .
Cause they can and the Fam. doesn't want you to learn the hard way.
Get it now so you can avoid all the trouble.
Don't settle for less.. sometimes you gotta push your self.
Take a step back and think about your life and things you might need to do
Time flies and trust me I know.
I want you to do good.
But you gotta want it for yourself first and get everything understood.
I can't help anyone that doesn't want any help.
But all I can do is tell you where to take your first steps.
This is just alittle something for you sis. that I thought I'd write
It was on my mind so I made it offical and got on the computer and typed.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~ Blowing off some steam....
This poem is for my sister ..I'll be giving it to her when she gets home.
Just some things that's been on mind. -Sorry If I misspelled anything didn't really have time to proof read-- NEVERMIND I went back and did some revising and editing cause when I read it, it was just to many mistakes lol :) ALSO as I read this poem a couple of times I relaized that, I need take some of my own advice.

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