The Butterfly

Poetry Folder.

Here in the farmer's garden.
Surrounded by many delicious foods
Purple, yellow, and green there are so many to eat.
Every inch of the field is in bedded with crops.
Just hoping I don't get caught

Always being tended to
The farmer may choose anything that he wants to sell to the customers to take home
And cook some delightful meals

Meanwhile, I'm eating to get strength so, I can build my cocoon
Wrapping myself up like a mummy
I must say the beginning of my life is not beautiful
I am hairy, soft, and green
I also have16 legs and I'm practically spineless
Most people are disgusted by my look
So they pay no attention to me
But that means nothing to me
Little do they know I won't be like this forever

I'm more concerned about the farmer spraying pesticide
And dodging the farmer's hoe as he chops the weeds.
Thing that could kill me and end my journey.

Finally, I have revealed my beauty, they all come to look
They are amazed at everything that I have come to be.
The beauty that lies in front of there face, is unbelievable
My wings are covered with beautiful radiant colors.
The movements I now make are swift and gentle
They all see me and try to capture me with there nets.
But it doesn't matter because I won't live for long.

So I give them my butterfly kisses and fly away

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~ I really like this poem!! :) Every time I read it I'm amazed over and over again.

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