I Apologize


I apologize for making you cry. 

I apologize for making mistakes that shouldn't have been  made. 

I apologize for making life a crime for you and me.

I apologize for making you go through so much pain, that didn't need to be. 

I apologize for bringing you down when you needed to be brought up. 

I apologize for saying all the mean things I said that I wish I never said. 

I truly and dearly mean this from the bottom of my heart. 

After I do these things it hurts it really does cause the last thing I would want to do is to hurt you. 

I apologize a million times and beyond. 

For everything. 

If I do these things again and hopefully I won't  but, when I do just show me this and I'll be sorry for everything. 

I apologize to you and everyone. 

I apologize. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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