I am the star player.

All these people on my team.

They all cheer for me.

Lets not forget the benchwarmers, they are on my team to.

They watch me , trying to learn some of my moves but they,

Only comes out when the coach tells them to.

 And yes They cheer for me to.

My sponsors, the people who invest into me.

Yeah. They are the truth. and Actually are some my biggest supporters.


But I am not yet the Star I am supposed to or want to be.

I am just the Star player on MY TEAM.

One day. Everyone will see.

I will keep training hard, listen, and go where the coach guides me.

Cause my coach... If you have not met or known him personally yet.

He knows all the secrets,

He knows all the ways and moves

and ALL the drills to.

Pushing me and my team harder.

Trying to talk us out of giving into the old habits that held us and are holding us back.

He calls and makes all the plays.

So yes. He has the upmost respect in my life.

He has been taking me from OK, TO AVERAGE, TO GOOD, TO GREAT all these years

So I know something better is near.

AND when my coach gets me and my team there.

It will be clear to see my coach deserves the glory not me nor my team.  

Boy I can't wait to see everyone looking at me then looking over to see me Coach.

Then they will see it was not just me.. I had a great loving coach always right be side me.

I tried to get them to meet my coach and get to know him personally before but they did not listen to me . 

That is what I going to say.

And then

They will all want my Coach to be coaching their team.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~ This turned out to be a good poem. Is not actually bout a sport I play, my team or coach.

But is about Me (the star pleyer), My Family, friends, assiocates  (the team, the benchwarmers, the sponsors) ,  and the Coach which symbolizes GOD. :)

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