
I was working at Synaptics Pergaser What the hell is per gas why am I talking you want me to be a zombie you want me to sit here and stare at the computer while you record people's voices you want me to be a traffic cop And do this you want me to do this so they can turn the stupid **** back on I'm a **** **** i'm a stupid **** **** it's James''s fault it's funny No Play my home simulation music I don't know how to get control I enjoy right now Manhattan nearly why Alexander's You want to make me think about Star Trek I don't want to think about that stupid **** Baby it's stubborn hair like that what's the point Shikhar Dhawan is the best of the world's best in the world he is What's my name so it's shaded hello secret it shouldn't be a name i'm delayed but it's about so I come here I mean I mean I mean I have a hearted man Hello Hello I keep a big blow something No me I'm so sorry why why do you say this it's a big macular stone i'm saying what you want to say this is what you want to say Her mood s are let me know Let her be your march of the guide to Magini minola had the whole noon nishka Barton yeah its again yeah the garden er look down on shoes She got there I guess told her Yellow We have aunt earlier but I normally say not immediately is pretty desirable toyota in Silicon which you say What is your teeth what's that's not tea Oslan and to be an ornament harder did why you asked Volikim Minikus to be of snob Postcode how many* 25 Yeah must be very bad Baby your father I'm dealing My choice M in my jeans are sitting in bumble and glass Only on yet animate asylum in animal Suda Rohinman Adami Hadam rock Adimi Allah 1515 circuit gets you a shut up Hi Cortana actually I Director Galleria to Glad I didn't click on anything or add she will have gone on devalue scroll art's anusconquelandia astronaut there's some tarman lives ok what's the supporter here I'm in a boot camp Enter into the shock mohammed there's no utterly anne yahoo do Arabic anime sad Rahmat adimi Allah shahid in Holamat yahamud him Hey Cortana thank you What's your

Author's Notes/Comments: 

con helpline once I'm in the headversations

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