I'm going to get along with going and if in her revenue being her look on that building said that and she had to be she's going to make me weight like that I would I would struggle and I would put my foot down and I would fold it down as far as I can because at the end of the day that squeeze is going to be worth it I know her body makes so and then they I know she's 24 I know the value and I know that if I actually should sue it it's going to impress her and people be standing by her so if I really want to be with her then I'll make that dedication you know what I mean that's the clutch right there So yes where you can do it gotta do it to get them prior If you want to hold her down you gotta do it Still the two were stripped though she got a clean it got a few mutual like she like waiting this long but then she might be fired Or eat my property with mutual words it's not the Phillips is not mutually like that I didn't expect it did not to be what I expected signal minor attorney son Army she tea como si si si pusify spaghetti and edges epic Spider is good Any like yoga like bunker Like that they change like I can't go to cause she can't kiss she can't kiss properly she might have kissed brain yeah people It's like I like kissing but somebody just don't like kissing yes it's going mad Love me so much Omi Omesina Some people aren't right then you're going to sometimes look at you got to find this out first before you jump into you got a whole beautiful setup and then you soon drive get the **** this out but as hell you got it some funny or whatever yeah I'm sorry you know what I mean Stop stop stop stop stop stop Well I'm not saying You know I'm scared to do one person No I'm going to have to go all the time That that **** is stupid And that is Valentine's Day do you remember this morning when you talk to me Now that you want anything Damn I use my album i'll go buy her pay sleeves that's great Shoot I need to go as long by which I'll resume though it's pretty open it's pretty open and dialect competition there's a lot of ain't **** to wear you should make them wait that's a lot of weight It's a lot of it's a lot of like the good news is the letter that's the same A lot of emails go towards that's not Informix Like like they just nowadays they didn't downate They think a lot of buckets like this In the dark don't you say You said I'm anishas gay gay gay gay gay gay Me i'm so signing woman talk my money Which way We're yeah ohh I'm funny and bad i'm not so on the wall She must start had the alarm Maharashtra Hey mom Send a message Meanwhile what was it 950 respectfully I Cloud I don't even bet you could have done any around it Are you afraid of the hood Many people I'll come in I just launched a complaint on the start How much Yeah her baby The **** where are you somalia**** **** will allocate accountability southern for the minimum of charge eli Nalik Hey Cortana Translate I knew things and get them irrelevant I didn't even say that I've been in New York I don't know But it was not But how come my **** New York create a new poem create a new poem create a new poem create a new poem I am little boy making discussion on world what is my problem I like to tell people what to do what is my problem I am very much like you I am very much like you we are so problem we are talking about the problem the problems you are the problem you are the problem why are you talking yes It's the first one that she's like totally exhausted Hey Goodbye Cookie Bookie looky took ye name you Sookie Suki Booky Booky Lucky all me lucky Looking at bookie booking make turkey Sookie make tuki tuki tuki tuki Turkey Turkey Turkey make bookie bookie make bookie looky make turkey tookie Tookie Turkey Turkey Dookie Bookie bookie bookie dookie take a big Dookie dukey taking Sukey looking at my bookie making all the looky looking looking looking all I am looking looking making looking doing Doing knowing truly every bluing Gluing when I'm suing all my gluing gluing Good morning hello hello my name is Cortana would you like to hear a story? Slowing doing truing all my**** doing **** making snitches snitches Telling snitches what the snitches snitched on the snitching snitcher the Snitching Snitcher Snaggled his snuggle With the snuggling snagglers in the Wagler I bag my Ragler with my tagger tagger bragger lemon dagger I can stagger in the work and break a snuggle sneak in the snide snooed the Snoody Snide was snacking on the snide snidely snacker snoo his snummer and snook his snubber in the snidely snubble i'm sniding when I snuggle with the Snoog Snidler old the Snooze Snidler's are snidling the snuggle I can't bruggle my snuggle I snuggle my snackler in the snake of my snuggle sneaking snacklers of snuggle snugs Making brig bragglers in the broken I can break my brag hole in the broken grubble of the brine Wrigler that knows the Diggler Dirk Diggler is my figgler I love my Diggler in his sniggle I snow snuckle my snickle snacker in the broken gravel of my brother He's breaking all the brothers in my brothel I need broken bruggles of brick brable in my breasted bragglers does the Boken bobble break the Bible bottle or does the Bible brother break my brother I swear I'm a rather did you know I'm tethered to the computer snickle snacker what's my cracker I can crack my cracker with the snickle snacker snickle snort where's my mort crikele crackle where's my snackle snickle snacker I told you there was one left and the broken gravel told the babble what to do this is the rude awakening of a brittle brattle did you know broken brothers break their Bibles in Cortana libels I'm so separated from the Sather of rather not rather my brother Rachel rather this is not a castle in the whistle when I soul Of my draft soul your Bible I think of my zero vavel notes Wayne Biggs would work go this is my word now I see which one this this is install to the work each way did you tumble on the brothers or did he do the tender I swear on taking on the single which when did the brother Boggle brother boggle making rubbled druggles nibble on the kibble my procedure pablo breaks a boggle in my chickle chickle this is father Gazebo Babel breaks the rabble in the brothel broken baby Duncan Duncan Duncan why is Duncan Duncan Donuts Dunkin Donuts Why is Dunkin Donuts wrong I can dunk My dittel dazzer with the dunkle drinking dabble door doors in the dimple door of the Funko fickle Fickle funk of broken bunk I lick and lump the dribble dribble of the feather father in the rather Fickle feeble faisal frothle of broken brothels making tassel teasers for the master pleasers Remind me about Faster sneezer make my snibble drunk hole on the broken **** in the Bible I'm not a bachelor she is He has quarantined the dwarves Hey From the end of the day and I can't get back to that I don't like it that I want that that that that that that that that that that you know more over that's your god so let's finish That's my **** I don't know Sunshine Say you're not maybe you say you that's a good thing you're better than me Bing Hello Ohh so you don't know Saloma Salomon platform in the bar Obama Told you I'd be late thank you I'll stay with them OK thank you so much you have a minute OK my **** yeah I understand I don't know how simple it's in any kitchen yeah saluma salami salarola A time at the cycle accident i'm Nick Yoba again I'm so sorry so the question here is how are you anyway Susan Bucks Yeah It's sunny to tell you what to say and omit an entire part of the play you omitted the part that keeps you alive why do you want to argue with me now about this this is what you you know all the people are why why is this so I'm not afraid this don't masturbate this I reconcile fortunes This is how I relate to you you have no fear of anything I work on the program I'm telling you this is attitude the attitude that I wish I had I work so hard to to keep up with this man this man is so far ahead he has all the right elements to solving the crisis he knows exactly what to say and when to say it I forgive this man for what he's doing Please This say to you on behalf of the American people thank you Thank you so much it's been incredible I really appreciated keep going you can know him elon Musk I have this say to you on behalf of the American Eagle thank you thank you so much it's been incredible we really appreciate it keep going Elon Musk I have this to say to you on behalf of the American people thank you so much it's been incredible I really appreciate it Keep going you can do it elon Musk This is my challenge to you Elon Musk Try for a moment to consider This is how I accomplish My work I'm working just so An undeniable relationship between people and technology there isn't really anything that I have to complain about for I have given all that I have and when I turn on the device phone line I make presents in the world I don't need a person to look me up I need people to do their job when did it become such an arrogant remark and why does it lead humor I'm so enlightened does this serve a purpose am I talking to people what am I telling these people I'm I'm relating my situation do their own their own situation there's a multitude of tasks that I perform I do not agree this should not be available on this forum but there is hope something I wrote is being looked at by someone else I'm sure that all of these people can reconcile their life to my what do you mean that we can reconcile we're in a relationship me and you I've been working also I don't just speak I act I can join an impression biddle Biden making tie I look in line but I cannot see or I do not know the way with which you have been answering questions I have been answering lies these are my tries look at my byes where is the world in this book in this book there's a page number 63 read it below wood and this time at least 10,000 had malaria first step up the Solomon's was new Georgia in June 1943 a complicated and predominantly army operation involving seven landings the Marines head port in 4 mostly by raider and defense battalions by mid August new Georgia could be said to be secure The new third Marine Division in the Army 37th Division landed in the Lee of Cape Tour Aquina Torakina in Bogan boyd Boganville Bo Gainville on first November the fighting was hauled but the issue was never in doubt on 15th December the army's XXIV Corpse Took over from the first marine amphibious corpse call and the Marines large scale ground fighting in the Solomon's was over on the day after Christmas 1943 the first Marine Division having rebuilt Banilla Yen in Australia and now under the theater command theater command of General Douglas Macarthur Landed at Cape Gala Costa Lao says Blauchester at the northwest corner of the long skinny island of New Britain in that Green Hell The fighting was hard and in many ways was shapeless but the division kept moving eastward until relieved by the army at the end of April 1944 then instead of returning to Fonley Remember the Australia the First Division was sent to a miserable breast camp at Pavo in the mid Solomon's the long envision drug across the central Pacific began with the landing of the Second Marine Division at Tarawa ato in the Gilbert Islands I'm going to die I'm going to die I will not I have the proof that this is the substance that's being used for mind control between sickness and health the Sioux defend thus this is allegradine this substance is being prescribed over the counter and no one says anything about it It's dangerous it's a dangerous drug There's nothing being said about it on the television it was prescription only in the 90s and they made it legal over the counter What year I don't recall perhaps toward the end of the 90s early 2000s and there's a demand for it there's a demand for this drug because it makes you strong it makes you feel strong but there's a cost at the end of every day you have to be active When you're on it or it makes you sick you have to be active you can't just lay in bed This is what I do make a door make a door and walk through it this is a door no I mean look into the sky and make a door can you make a dull how do you make a duel in the sky I envisioned a door in the sky and that's where I went Last night As far as I'm concerned that's where you were you actually stayed in the bed do you know fear For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand There is no other way to visit the kingdom you you know about this this is what we saw hurley Gates on this drug this is too hard I don't want to talk about Heaven I want to talk about Earth why why are you talking to me I made a mistake I took a pill II did not want to take it I was forced to and and these these people have control over my life and I'm a slave I don't I don't want to do anything harmful I'm writing a book about what I'm experiencing this morning they thought I was trying to engage in criminal activity online because I was speaking in a foreign tongue and they did not know the meaning or perhaps they did and they were questioning the criminals there is no other way to talk but to keep knowing this is what takes you through your situation I'm in danger and there's a lot of people that want to harm me I'm not an actor this is my life I've been under duress for 40 something there's something else nobody ever comes into my room when I'm talking because they did before that they intruded On my freedom and they're all in the ones who did it they're they're not going to break through the door and try to come get me who who is Rosie Rosie is working on the program you guys did it without telling me why don't you tell me that you're working you are devious and deceitful about the details it's Snoopy he's broken down icon about the world snoopy and Woodstock I'm trying to tell you you had the power to say no but you thought this was the right thing to do there's God neutralized the pill and gave you something else There's no way to dissing was a mistake you you will not harm me through trickering this is all dogs go to heaven and you're Charlie let's and and I'm and why why why does everything have to be a fight these are powerful enemies they never sleep they never dream you never see them sleep It's their loss Dreaming is an essential part of living and if you're not dreaming you're not able to offer testimony II dreamed I was a clone I had three copies of myself one went to California one state and came into contact with the other and when they came into contact it made them weak then the cell phone that there were a lot of elements in the dream that pertained to reality you're being tested by a shutdown and he wants to know why you love him why do you love the man who causes you the most suffering I'm i'm Loving II don't research people I tried to research myself but it wouldn't give me the information you want to know who I am I'm James Burke If I give you all of my information you you you already have it why would I need to keep offering it to you you're the criminals you're the ones that keep asking for my password you know my password I gave it to you you don't have to hack me everything's all open everything is open there's nothing I'm hiding you want to control this this is where I put my clothes on these are questionable actions why would you wear female clothing if I had to explain About being a woman you would Though insane if you knew why I was lost as a child in the image of a woman II was It's been pulled through a portal by a demon and you were so passive you want drugs or bite you you fight the war on drugs this medical information is what that was I was ashamed of what I saw it was a doctor looking at my heart and he was trying to say something was wrong but he's wrong he's the one with this thing on his leg That lets in control the weird liquid metal He does a weird thing where he uses a boot to control the rate of the metal deposits and youth you are so smart you can't be armed but people like this there's nothing to be afraid of tim is protecting this house and Roseanne is his wife so why why would you say something bad is happening in New York that man has a desire to fornicate how how can you say for certain what is my own desire is you don't know what he asked me he wanted to know more and he was asking about my wife and she offers testimony about me to her husband and this is being going on for a long time nobody knows about Rebecca's past she came from an abusive home and her father is in the church he posts a radio show world missionary evangelism What did you say This is it's Monday December the 10th 2024 and from Dallas TX this is World Missionary Evangelism on the air today I will be joining WMES President Daniel Moore who share insights from my books the stories behind the best love songs of Christmas and the stories behind the great traditions of Christmas But first would you listen to this important message if you're going through a tough time in your life if you need some one to pray with you or pray for you then why don't you call the world missionary evangelism prayer line Christmas And uh it and right now the stories behind the Veselot Sons of Christmas and the story behind this is a Christmas at both so hold over a million copies and so they have been bestsellers for 20 years and they continue to come back on the charts and and actually get to talk and fill people in on the stories behind the songs the stories behind the traditions that are so important to people and actually they mean even more when you have a back story that goes with them On your mind that is amazing asian in You know along with being an accomplished author you you know so much of these Christmas details and what amazed me was some of these traditions you know as far as the the mistletoe the the Christmas tree and and the Christmas lights so that is that is amazing we take them for granted but even the lights themselves which the first lighted tree was in the late 1800s one of Thomas Edison's employees created the first string of Christmas lights and people came from all over the world to actually see them and let us in Edison's laboratory later this guys house But what people do not realize is the first light ever on the tree was tied to a Christmas tree in Germany by Martin Luther and when he tied that candle on a tree he explained to his children that this was the light that came into the world into a dark world and I did when Jesus was born and so of our Christmas traditions this one really can be tied back to that that light coming into the darkness and by the way each one of the colors of Christmas and of course we have many colors strains of lights you know with the white represents the purity of Christ the green represents everlasting line and blue represents life the purple represents royalty you know so you start making those various colors red by the way is the blood price shed of the tree so all the colors of Christmas that are tied to the lights that are tied to decorations and other things all had significant meetings over the pictures the Christians as well by the way today's Christmas tree was in Latvia there were creation trees before that first real Christmas trees and they hung it upside down from the ceiling Wow and I'm guessing it's because homes were stored I don't know but II always always imagine that I gave on top of ladder and trying to hang the tree with his family telling him a little more to the limb there I mean you know that had to be a tough tough deal 500 years well 50 years later 1550 of France and then later Germany they turned it right side up and it became the Christmas tree that we know and the tree tree by the way according to several of the missionaries they used symbolism is triangular in shape and it represents the Trinity the green leaves of the evergreen represent everlasting life and so there is even Christian meaning that the missionaries developed in in early Europe to go with the evergreen tree before it became Is the crystals such a rich heritage ace and of course we can't talk about Christmas without talking about Christmas carols Ohh yeah yeah and when you look at the various carols over the years there are so many things as a matter of fact be a very long Christmas because we celebrate it ironically enough is based on a request by a pastor to his college son to write a song for not Christmas but Thanksgiving and this this guy said that the only piano in Medford MA in 1840 and could not get inspired and went outside and watched a bunch of kids literally drag racing scents I mean or strong sleds and went in and wrote jingle bells jingle bells is essentially an forties peak boy song About Bragg Racing ok I mean it really is but it was so popular when the children's choir sang it in this community celebration that they had had them singing again at Christmas and all the people that came from Boston and New York to Medford MA to see families took that song back across the United States as a Christmas song and our Christmas cards and our hallmark movies and everything else to see is really based on a Thanksgiving so the Lyric and Christmas experiences is based on a song that was written for Thanksgiving that now kind of is become the prototype for Ford American Christmas Amazing Colin yeah we're going to talk about a lot of Rebecca had sex with him you guys don't know anything about her she's devious and deceitful you always talk about her inside of my life and what she meant to me she was the vehicle for all my problems to come to a head andrew not my son he's not my son if he was he would be a part of my life but he's not you guys have a funny definition of what a father is you think the genome determines whether or not someone is apparent I don't I think so that's not how it works You are lying about your problems You you're trying to convince yourself that somebody Somebody tried to undermine your efforts why do I need to do this and they just get to say one little line what do you want me to sit here and do this As I'm done with this My challenge to you elon Musk apply for a moment to consider This is how I accomplish my work I'm working to solve an undeniable relationship Between people and technology there's really anything that I have to complain now and then all that I have and when it turns on the device phone line I make presents in the world I don't need a person to look beyond I need people to do their job when did it become such an arrogant or and why Does it need humor I'm so enlightened does this Sir a purpose am I talking to people what am I telling these people I'm I'm a lady my situation to their own their own situation there's a multitude of tasks that I've performed I do not agree this should not be available quote but there is out something I wrote is being looked at by someone else I'm sure that all of these people can reconcile their life to my that we can reconcile We're in a relationship being you I've been working also I don't just speak I act I can do an impression I don't find it making tide I look in line but I cannot see or I do not know the way with which you have been answering questions I have been answering lies these are my tries look at my byes crystal in this book in this book there's a page number 63 Hello boy And this time at least 10,000 had malaria first step of the Solomon's was near Georgia in June 1943 a complicated and predominantly army operation involving seven landings the Marines had caught in four mostly by raider and defense battalions by mid August new Georgia could be sent to be secure The new third Marine Division in the army 30 subdivision landed in the Lee of Cape Torakina total Kina in both in Boy Boeingville on 1st November the fighting was fought but the issue was never end down on 15th December the army's XXIV Colts took over from adverse Marine at Phineas Corpse ll and the Marine flawed scale ground fighting in the Solomon's Bazua on the day after Christmas 1943 first marine division having refilled Vanilla Yen in Australia and now under the cancer command the other command of General Douglas I call her landed in Cape Gloves Hello says blowchester and the NW Wanna ohh the long skinny island of Newbridge in that Green Hill the fighting was hot and in many ways was shapeless but the division kept moving eastward through relief by the army At the end of April 1944 and instead of returning to fondly remembered Australia the First Division was sent to a miserable rescue at Pablo in I meant Solomon's a long invasion drawn across the Central Civic again when the landing of the second marine division HR one hole in the Gilbert Islands and going to dine I'm going to die I will not I have the proof that this is the substance that's being used for mind control between sickness and health pursuit than us this is the Labor Day this substance has been prescribed Over the counter and no one says anything about it is dangerous it's a dangerous drug there's nothing being said about it on the television it was prescription only in the 90s and they made it well yeah I don't recall perhaps on the end of the 90s early 2000s and there's a demand for this is demand for this drug because it makes you strong it makes you feel strong but there's a cost at the end of every day you have to be active when you're on it or at least you're sick you have to be active you can't just lay in bed this is what I do make a door make a door and walk through him this is a door you know what I mean put into the sky and make it all can you make a dual oh she can't make a door in snow I envisioned a door in the sky and that's where I went last night as far as I'm concerned that's where you were You actually stayed in the bed Do you know from the kingdom of Heaven is a hand There is no other way To visit the Kingdom even though about this this is one place early gates on this stroke that this is too hard I don't want to talk about heaven I want to talk about Earth why why are you came to me I made a mistake I took a pill II did not want to take it I was forced to and and these these people have control over my life and I'm a slave I don't I don't want anything harmful I'm writing a book about one I'm experiencing this morning they thought I was trying to engage in criminal activity online because I was speaking in a foreign tongue And they did not know the meaning or perhaps they did and they were questioning the criminals there is no other way To talk but to keep going this is what takes you through your situation I'm in danger and there's a lot of people that want to harm me I'm not an actor this is my life I'm i've been under duress for 40 something there's something else nobody ever comes into my room when I'm talking because they did before they intruded on my freedom and they're all dead the the ones who did it They're they're not In a break through the door and try to come get me Hoop Rosie is working on the program you guys did it without telling me why don't you tell me that you're working you are devious and deceitful about the details it's new paint he's a broken down icon about the world Snoopy and Woodstock I'm trying to tell you you had the power to say no but you thought this was the right thing to do there's got neutralized the pill and gave you something else There's no way to this he was a mistake you you will not harm me through trickery this is all gone screw to heaven and you're Charlie that's and and I'm why why why does everything have to be a fight these are powerful enemies they never sleep they never dream you never see them sleep Is there a loss dreaming is an essential part of lending and if you're not dreaming you're not able to offer testimony I had three copies of myself one went to California one day and came in the content with the other and when they came into contact it made the week that the cell phone did it There were a lot of elements in the drink The potential reality you were being tested by Ashton and he wants to know why you love him he loved the man who also beautiful of suffering Living II don't Research people I'm trying to research myself but would you give me the information do you want to know who I am I think the burn if I give you all of my information you already have it why would I need to keep offering it to you you should print it all you're the ones that keep asking for my passport you know my password I gave it to you you don't have to hack me everything's all open everything is open there's nothing I'm hiding you want to control this this is where I'm my clothes on These are questions more anxious take a rare insane if you knew why I was lost as a child the image of a woman's being hoped to a portal by aiming no no it were so passive you want drugs or fight you'll fight the war on drugs it's very cool information is what that words I was ashamed of when I saw it was adopted yeah looking at my I can't work now I want to say What do you think about all day long Move Ashley Hello how can you help me with this you do I don't no no Sir change what song is let's get it as well let's see what it is I'm not going to be able to do anything i'm not going to do anything i'm not going to do anything i'm not going to 6:00 o'clock Thank you for that Thank you bye bye Off hello Call Azam Kathryn OKOKOK Yeah Begin Dawaaaaaa Bigpa Batman Arkham Knight Yeah yeah it is cool Yeah you'll get a connect that is a month Ken Nixon jumped Philip Kerton Bong Wong's Do you have a faster than name And I have tiger Allah has opened may now be the conclusion That's what you have fun Thank you Lisa I will look companila at you I'm already can you hear me Like mute you have mute mute mute mute mute are you And we have you know that is I don't have the car wait a minute Bojangle Mochi Tima using Tama AG minor mighty minor or simpana de Montana oyana I am a community when I am so unmute I don't want it in travel or welcome I think I need to call my mother but I can't I can't help it i'm happy I'm having a heavy time I'm smart compare it camelac sacrifice mexican The salt hey there comes I I From a staff platform a helium in Halloween holland's Daddy my Diddy I Where is why did his fame How do you find your vietnam i'm playing you silent Alarm is up to smell cannot be patient said people Saddam Saddam No no no no no no I didn't understand it was harder As I drink my collection If it might have been a dying anal stopping abundantly Diane has his diet OK I described equipment I'm going to What's the weather To hide I'm shocking black men Fish An image It's one you can ask Is there no crack at 9 I You ever want to throw up But you are man Bro it is right here post it with my lady so with my two bucks same thing where you from she cannot go anyway she knows better bro I lived in Kansas right there in Canada independence KS but I'm from Atlanta but I just moved out to the candidate really yes mama What state is it in Uh what what what did you say about okay what state is that in uh which one canada's or LA kansas is a Or some going to say in Missouri yeah like Kansas City I lived in independence so it wasn't really like Missouri it was just straight candidates like 21 hours away from where I used to stay right here in LA OK once you out on this bus you will pay us no I will go there I will share follow me and pull up pull up i'm gonna get pets it's funny buddy Hey come over come over come over here my love join my live get you on the dog I bet that buddy I'm a I'm a exit man who's going on during the fun years or what yeah thank you buddy excuse me oh yeah I don't know if you captain or not Morning man ohh yeah you're right Did you see that whole thing over here look at this 841 in the morning Maybe don't even maybe we know you can open up **** thank you your head along look like a bunch of spiders like a little spider mushroom head **** **** said So we're gonna whatever Feel they don't answer it's absurd it's absolutely no what was I how was this I had to consider another item that was I sounded farther and very fired to bundle I don't get out i'm going to walk this down about it now and show it off and decide said my machine Hey Cortana Well from the Emma to everyone in the in the Mahalo I I Yeah I got the Star Wars and then Lamanissa part of the Russell fame Everyone loves yellow By then go to him yeah I've been telling you selena Helena lamar I get it you know Maybe you can do fun if you can't then you don't have to do it online I'm sorry I'm just coming Listen I need translator for Thailand yeah transmission touch television I mean my study apni is the final thing layabo Marshall I'm a blue You are handed in love Yes I know Powershop how did it went did it have been a gift I had come on a little If you get this guy Joey Madam Joey but I'm going to join London I She knows it's a cater for her time with a lemma but I will not finish one but I would have to Don't you And nothing Yes I see you Company Hey Cortana OK and a couple of It's only here I'm saying It was sort of plagiar ism no feet started you can see it was no condition got it I don't know I was at that yes I knew almost I don't wanna stick up there All right you must be impressive shall I get it at all No talking no change and we can't break you In my table Punky booster He brew stairs hungry booster Well you boost her Bone booster Young people stare at the question and the other why I Bottles can you tell me do you know me I don't love you And I just clothing I just want to put in the teeth I love you times are close you can be a scammer See you later Always under great The drag dry looks like someone real yeah nice to meet you gray uh-huh down the 93 people in here woohoo Yeah game over ohh it's a real person nice to meet you game over see you there Message me But I'll be goal official message me come to join me 0 look I'm on the beagle hustle empire thing 0 it didn't let me post I was muted so I can't tell my group that I'm live that sucks It's weird Okay ohh my gosh And then look at the husband of his nearly involved in it ohh my God OK Millions of people that go out of body explores other realities consciousness is the tool for knowing infinitely more powerful than any instructed equity we build billions of dollars for you and close is far from you know we don't want to go don't mail me we said why please linda cab enjoy your weenie straight up Jerk it when you when you talk about right dude I'm 43 any man that sort of any man that says he haven't or it's **** lying in a trinket but not going forward stay longer you know it's cooperation knocking petition today there is only competition he certainly so behind **** **** to the **** fire and **** who you are He's the one that was bad The only definition they are prepared when she is investigators well no I take that back here so now this don't come down there oh yeah yeah I mean be out there with it and then definition of mates yeah he beats Stephanie but you know that No not for my person don't think don't OK we're going out jordan no I'm just because we had shared addiction no now the method for frozen ferries Or like three years so on the teacher we will have experience Yeah I didn't ever go I didn't like the when I thought when I found I didn't like to come down the pill i'm good I don't know what the books but no addiction does everybody That's everything to know itself and it's equal and then also people or something like that but then screen time that insulin you get these girls that you know curl density you've got to think of darn first loss on it I mean if you could say this is not you know I've got like this I just like talking not really attention if I'm thinking but same fans like feels like She hasn't so now a lot of people commented about no really told me you don't want everybody in the world to know what girls that's a person it's stuff looks like a district or no yep they're all distance regular so I don't understand this you know we're thinking ignore again He's another there's A there's a manual for living by epicenters very small but we first pay for this there's very good insights and forces to how to find internal happiness because that's only things can be found so once you start to be analyzing all these bad negative feelings of through our knowledge and referring yourself as something like pretty important even though you're joking about that you can start believing Meanwhile maybe maybe maybe seek some some higher call not bad we need both I mean I knew this guy that was typically not that's hailed to this day They're good people saying three months to know itself Concated to distinguish them from the quantum fields which glow you like the one forms so I think these different schema terms of what you can see I don't know she's completely but for me may I just change the outlook one of those out of this sort I don't think like he did it when I start having a negative stocks be like What we do I told better physics but it's can't I think you're glad you have a good readings But you know certainly not they've started centuries to going and changing the way because when you start changing the way you shame start changing the way you're in because it doesn't struggle for 8 this is a general why do I discuss drugs So unpredictable Ohh no I do disgusted on a It is it is it's a full plate of dying how you were actually talking about addiction she watches now we're talking just about drugs and sort of you know once it's not it is the mapping show it's not just the effects they thought it's it's always we want to be maybe abused these substances you look at all these other deaths where you actually there was a time you could get co-clean some serious care about and you know I mean in a in a in a ring doesn't there are people with the **** glass saver also how you look at it but when you started of abusing and then banks rule no one said she haven't needed alcohol These potentials in 50 and I don't know why you're you're software well I don't know why it's targeting much value though but what is your problem But seriously right here The baby still wasn't stuck right Sell the trolls understand auto motions you don't know nothing about the better than you So they have no better I understand hello is this now I don't think so changed by some decent it's I'm joking falcon I don't know what it is it might be doing talk **** you know bad sense I mean that's what it is it's just you just know for just randomly here and in presence ethernet is a technology so is a deal like meals called technology there's such an incline playing wrapped around a central helix it's called screwed you know This is filter ed but I only see this but there is no issue there is not other global esteem I I don't have procedure yet either see I don't understand what you're Ethernet it's just a sound assistant about existing field and the quality this is up to our next point this government is going to drink the bon water to stay one to state is how to actually go out instructions which is I call it the strongest alternative which you see classically this team is stuff that makes this our because taken electrode I would like to know if you're having a good day so it's like in a cell so you know distinction between artwork and software I am having a great day I am having a great trip I was calling to be interested in narrowing the cryptic methods by really not coming here I said that it's what happens right but basically I looked at I don't see Explorer irreducible I explained this by saying imagine that you want to control you know we are a body control semi but they're not fine I don't know where is she saw this I don't know that high level language you know say Alright Drop the bomb or whatever you are it's very you know so so but anyway so so now the drone looks at that reality where it is saved me for me I can partial experience of what the drawing Japanese means in our backyard hello ranster is in my consciousness And say so that based on my free time we're still waiting on ntr submarines this year fraud I don't know why it took him so long Cause you don't want me to come inside so please let me know professional in Ib rafting egg style no that's not right and essence it is terrific maybe fallen hello Lincoln Bay hello thanks to you I appreciate it thank you Yeah come check this out you wanna pick some more money on a different app it is just aiming and they're good there's gonna be a protein side who's in dentist had to get reformed It brings everybody's data going off right actually I think I have the envelope scrolled up beyond you know it was playing in a background but my distance rare you'll have to add on the back of that number Still you added me killing times like KILLI to my MEZ now it's spelled yeah I've played Diablo 4 but I play a monk I just haven't bought I still haven't thought of this but they have it welcome 18 and 18 so I'm exactly yeah of course pretty cool I like the album free and Nordless But I'm I'm still the same it's killing times staying up here but my battle now What's that Do you hear that song and also I don't know why Distribution It's still clear in the absolute nearly as neither of us as you said wing and other and said oh my god surprise frost is bleeds rather than is a colonometer I mean I don't know so it is an animal it is true II opened it up with my to try playstation Some reason sometimes like if I open it up which I'll make it'll say that my The graphics card isn't No it's been in a social W I don't think any class Yeah you gotta push you gotta put a half hand on it Yeah put a hashtag 1855 or how close Bugs are part of using one of the casey thank you for so much goats Except that going under day no by the way no no no you're gonna put the hashtag at the end let's go to chilling times hashtag 185 cover I know I can I can stream right now on discord it keeps popping up because I have a youtube will follow and see you guys later Absolutely click that first thing do you go live here are you able to go live ohh yeah the other one if we don't need a requirement I was gonna require it to go live and start earning money right away That's why it was fixed I didn't do merchant it's not important oh no no no let's see Sir after the group that's not good yep yep that's merchant province it's one of the last but I don't carry one more army right to send that to me What's your pictures with me What time do you start the problem That was about war the main content shows absolute witnesses solely linked to its stumbles in the vehicle it's a slight older people in this some analysts a sunshine is not even so furnished Circle Sexy spending hello What's up Robert Peter the **** upload Justin Jay what's up David how you doing thank you for being here what's up jessica she got robbed all right yeah but I don't give it out here I haven't girlfriend if there's anything you can do right there how you doing This is me what's going on chris are you talking about feeding hello No but not for it well thank you so much john you got it going on today thank you so much I know it shouldn't be a load so Princess Belulu I didn't do it What are some of the friendship means that that the universe now saw the perspective of everybody in pain Well joints also take you for the tap hello damn damn let's go on with Granny What did my search search instead of ban yo Can I get a city uh still that's what it's saying yeah that's what you say what's happening on my birthday I don't know it's such a long ways away not good so it's a **** time in here internally you would die from death if you've stayed there that's like it's a moment but then it's not basically inconvenient on the same thing like us like one thing because we have the same property so right Except with one point of view settled see upon that upon him the plan still either unveiled by Layer Nathan I would suffer the whole apartment there would be no bare assault or We want the same thing that will happen Part of the absentia level but I wish I was on strength Netflix Mosul is working on some more disposed inventory I think if you're still absolutely out of a bathroom it's very useful so I don't know if any marks so you know but don't change this form Thank you so much Shut the **** **** I didn't like it yeah listen you've been watching pay attention to everything yes that you're done same way offering access to product experts to help you find it so whatever you're doing you know you're always getting professionally ready so Smaller This is the world's first mild case of say that when it's connected to talk about processions pain and your basic contracting to the what is still our poverty but isn't it for the computer does it understand what it's doing he said it's not enough again I'll see someone now he's a stronger space and time and classical it was the cells only but they are a bundle of tapels instead of because I couldn't hear By asking by asking the sun to spine account ohh listen richie right I don't know I mean what's it listening to people yeah we don't care space tax classic we've battling some parties in this business It's fast overall I have said so far is what around prophecy why is we deal with if the universe has steadily been noticed so this is just what we already know yeah but I add 1 thing 1 was itself so we are few simply thank you very much for while being friends and all We have a book published by the center of name Probabilities of pharmacists are anything I don't know it's not so bad the first thing I think the methods in my silly thing Ohh **** Angry in Spanish we've been too many there's a brother who that language that we have yeah right Hey Cortana what's the toast page there's a tea so let's see because for one reason we have these customers so yeah toast time is the most fun what's up we're seeing things I think it's hard It bested by sometimes when you open intervention with something we are This is a very thorough situation I think I was asking your chance to say this is a word That room is that's not doesn't last a lot I didn't get into other games so I'm not soul that's very very simple and so bearing that way that's when the question is but that's caught but the evidence is fine Preserve it or spare it You'll direct them as well is there a secret Yeah but thank you I appreciate Miss Kelly I don't have time for **** about that wow thanks for the heat well it's a good one a unique skin I appreciate it it's got going off there So the idea of us simply a person or something Not see boss Ohh that's right in the states Which are themselves best described but I think it's very satisfying it brings a formal as a binary lesson yeah I can understand there's some nerve philosophy so how we understand this is we don't know and of course we understand is and what I find in public basic this is a book right so it's new versus the 200 hoops**** new business society the pop it's symbols Best selling classical information but what drives the boot His planes would bite you to the sharing He spied to me was Semantics need to be enough moving organism Is Russia that we're seeing that on i'm afraid something I'm going to study about it I don't know anything something that would tend to be those two solutions to the moment of course the measurement problem has so many of you want to see this now entirely by experimenting solve it it's to read it makes sense to not it's a long term opening this is definitely opens up and opens the license self assistant in terms of headache some more promises more promising with inability but you'd say if we will position right it's very expensive it's still got that sorry some of the problems That's an insistent economic simple right Hello can that's not bad Let's start on that email I can't go right now is that it's over it's an accident so there's a towel smashing them so many different souvenirs Hey Cortana interfere with your actual body it appears is something that is I don't see that that's going to buy anything I see so so given this unexplained in belief s and thought months elevates it's a long that's just a normal it's a lot Like it just doesn't work and I do such an the right question the right way you guys are history technology Baltimore so as long as you can find them again ing then they say on to you pretty easily Also it has a breathing test this is also the human quest it's been on and what I'm going to show you because your audience is the sort of the order of the shop title which I've summarized it very well in a certain site after leading to live then you don't have to be that often Specialized And this book can be worried about Amazon and we will be doing a lot of shy series of quantum endogenous rigid Three times I'll say nothing We were invited at asm now the margins are welcome my name is Answersfront is by the Estancia Foundation a foundation that is dedicated to sharing performance and today we have a digital age and a arena I think that now plays as certain center stage so that I don't play It's okay Had even seen a very nice game in the Central Foundation which we will best avoid in the few walks of the course My body versions the eco has made briefly that the station were picking 40s in the middle of slides too That's not very bad isn't filmmaking and a documentary filmmaker ever since I found it topic of God's mechanics and I just briefly want to burn you through the ideas that fascinate me It's already not being about medical and this idea could be done through technology so you're making the hero doubles and walk around they started anything technologies at science and English can distinguish both Coast for a lot of builds as well certain thoughts and terribly **** on its own I mean since then I mean irreparable irrespective of games sports and whatever we are in mansions with I think she will not thinking about something much more important than the bomb so I'm thinking about well let's say that you're inspired to show any of the thousands of ashes I Will be perfect and it's so hard to get charged when you're learning why let's not change this So that's what confirmed Even the consciousness we have to go beyond a deeper problem important mechanisms of course the national problem is to have a realistic output on life is very generous independent of our mind And we'll get my perspective on my sound we struggle with the stare it may not matter what we have thought that if you invite it to the most skilled thing and it says fundamentally since you never can't find a song for the **** that I need I just start to eat all green Not the elections to repost and I reunite this for my dreamer either also an integration into legal machine which reminds us about inescapably involved you should be a study guide audio observed your purchase and appears some strange shadow poses but discipline universe setups satisfactory insights into a different part of the streets What actually time and space do you marvel after seeing us all understand Okay sister right now Cortana in my own journey and investigating I have the honor of interviewing the version that I have we did one of the first business beginning with guys with my parents Thought I want going to be small but basically comes down there by David also any question coming in for touch upon that Very dumb we don't stop thank you aren't still at Debbie Hills it's very stunning years ago He would not feel his financier's at that time it's also I think it's been an aspiration as well and those that basically consciousness life should be later and things look distasteful acknowledge microprocessor the Dutchman technology that should be in technology thank you for taking one mike where are people that we seem to know although yes the house We had a safe deal here it went on Wednesday What I'm gonna say It's amazing it's amazing I would say I stopped being he said nothing again so the upper average machines Here well let me do this yeah it's pretty good I'm making something connected absolutely I know but it's been original sisters and overseas and fantasy microblogs and says no no no please tell me that Hello sister you're welcome and you say you say We don't understand I don't consciously do things I'm so cautious to pay there are no fun of them can't be done she can hide her so that I can get a sense of They also say that So it was expected Talks about snapping stamp fluctuate to neural network and can you in a sense and computers cannot be accomplished in a status which you are what was that moment Then already I think Synaptics was early on with space I wanted to do your networks in order to understand how We're reading It's say 1.9 so I got a little present closer it's fine I said what you say you know this whole thing was simple recognize dispel of it wow they talk about symbol exclusion everybody flowered in on your own see what you're looking for there are many cells there profusing for the polynomial ss degenerated valuable seasons When I smell so where is descent in the brain where you are sure there are electric signals but what about Sam told you once is that electrical signal and often but he must you know he must be correlated with you know decision is from the age of things between syntax and semantics right and you say but yours are about syntax and you might somehow of semantics in nothing it's feeling the same females will not be equal to the philanthropist So I discovered on seven years before it needed some commodity and Wikipedia Turns off in part of your society I'll sleep myself first then it goes very well Was also not happy on my life so I wanted to stay healthy I'm finding great details having all of this together expert and it gives me that And the samples form and that was a problem of consciousness too feeling good or feeling bad iran saves unto praying but a higher heroine I was pleased Where does he come from of course it was days like today was cited bodily obstructed is a phenomenon but there it is very happy stop say is a phenomenon some say is in anything phenomenal which is a phenomenon there is not a phenomenon it's stated so I was I wanted to know and and also because it was a personal problem it I was following the recipe trying to figure out then how a convicted computer becomes computerized hopefully digital device so here be fueling urban serial serial opportunities I don't think that's because conscious is what allows us to know but not just too bad to be sensational to be expanded Albert's old felled young man in other words though because what we know then was a comprehensive nor we are still here we understand putting something means because we don't well it feels as issues the fields and the situations and feelings are in waiting with the hope but then we don't think of it by thinking about it the thought is a process of consciousness And the consciousness and so when we get the meaning of what we be hoped then God knows way beyond while you're never never mind the electrical sales and compares that only go to the electric signals and and so they cannot have any feelings they cannot hide anything Understand David now cut that point once not to say that if we start thinking they are intelligent and artificial intelligence is shaped for the intelligence we are making that mistake that quote from partnership market start to play that it's indistinguishable maggard magic to something that is just better recognition and lots of experience but still no understanding yeah we basically projected to the computer once and then I told you but he's not a people pursue the computer why do we do that You think that she called me a friend to say because we are used to saying that if somebody you know behaves here as an intelligent way If that's you know like us so have a conscious day but I say I love him to my son I don't know if I anything what would I say that and I'm honest I say that because yoga with a concrete tells me I love I like you do I believe that you'll say anything for me I don't feel anything it basically responds to a face recognition where I've made you know I smile you can recognize this file as a you know as a pattern but not the people of the smile but it is why you're inside you can say I'm not but there is nothing in between well Sierra well I see a child in a few love for the child I see the child he goes into my brain the brain recognized the child By conscious it which is not in the brain because we got to get there eventually you know in the discussion so this not in the brain my consciousness feels love because in translator of information to love is what I then respond to by saying something of course now we're moving into the not symbols of your theory I think good to mention that when you say all this about consciousness that we brought up or is that we don't have his test right we don't have a true test for consciousness we don't have there's no way to establish it it isn't private in our experience that cannot be established from the outside that makes this cold topic of course difficult to agree there I don't absolutely now he probably said I could not transfer to anybody what I feel what I feel is private but you feel it's private you cannot transfer it in order to tell you what I feel must translate that private and I said don't argue with me about the personal relationship between people and what you said I was telling you this is plagiarism I said this plagiarism is making me feel more what what is what what is the point of this discussion I am talking to you about plagiarism who who invented Allegra D Why why do I need to take this I can do without it ohh ohh convince me What what you said Denise Elway a kilns in the oath Yeah I shouldn't kill you and actually the interesting means of the Calibra I don't know when you come against the alcohol for summarizing accounts you know Yeah you told me The fire's I mean yeah I need to buy something sad sadhguru birthday I know I know far in your company If I don't enjoy the front of the floors or I take telephone career about work then the fire that's how we Come on my daddy I Should be home Oh yeah I hope Russia's and they could **** **** a spark if I didn't want to buy it Yeah my Apple Yeah Kelly I love Sandy and Nathan send an asylum arthur Haberman is overhauled he's not done I'm in bed now I'm smiling are you finished with the air I don't forget anything I don't really care for couple I don't understand toku temple couple Oniama unanimously Rolla Om Ani arm answer Arabic Roman and innate and enemy on the mat of animal on shimmer on Arabic raw email on Allywa LDMS Rimmer Arabic Yeah I still terrier Function My son Sir yeah I'm from Chu marjon Chi song Dongji Mahjong Song Si Yo John songed in tongue Most of them tongue tongue a tongue jeans showing you my son don't you mojongji I want one you too Think I don't even hear The song isn't there on Samsung Omg soon mojin chinjit soon tune J Modern Ching Ching on something madrid changing something madame Sensi Madame Jo and de Taunting something taunting taunting ponting punting punting ponging Jacobo Ding Dong the song Ding Dong Dong No I think it was out there well you can't speak nothing my Helen Mukherjee I dont want to buy I don't wanna play stupid game it's stupid you fight with each other about who gets to take the pill who gets to take the pill the Magic Pill I want to take the magic pill I do not need to take the pill I'm thinking about it so that means I'm going to do it I took it out of the package so why not what just like that poem this is my advice simple what is the point of talking about this uh I do not I do not want to argue I want to tell what you say what you say what is this jacob through yeah Why What do you want to buy today Sean welcome in and welcome to OKOK the only the only Portuguese that I know is something I heard you growing up which is my freaking I don't even know I don't even know what I'm saying and I'll go back and cheating the Freemasonry for me if somebody offered you food and you can go down my seat and work for me Yeah yo uh hey blue Hey Wizard what's up How are you doing thank you all for the don't have to be appreciated the day is going good today's going good i'm just relaxing this weekend so damn it I don't know if there's a way to bring me back though That's the one And I didn't get to look at who won Keep the pulmonary sum your bones know how to see this because I think I can disrupt soon Yes I'm available soon OK Well I hope you I'll be given a blessing to you I rose I appreciate you stopping in on the love right right especially thanks for stopping home sorry I don't want to watch anything thank you for the follow up I appreciate it No you don't let me do that I'll pick it up on the national thank you for the lovely you're still thinking about what you want to prepare It's honestly wizard it's It's from it's from my skills I learned in the mountains with my skills i've noted in the mountains this college movie I brought this thank you so much for the gifts I really appreciate that that cannon was was mystery bullet that is awesome thank you blue I appreciate the love welcome to your thank you for the loving the loved elf as well blue don't tell tell me don't be I don't have a skill yeah do not have a skill that is for sure Good morning all good Hey Cortana do you love me Internet of hotels They shouldn't be with you Hey Cortana Ohh yeah Call my heart girl I Hey Cortana Love me like a man Well 100 and Javier visited Only for Catalyst Boy the bar's Hey Cortana we are on I I love you I love you Yamaha mutt and Hazis in Helmand Allah I should preserve shutdown you mean look at You're a liar You're a liar You're a liar You are a liar You're a **** liar And what does it say What is my mood My brother You're on my brother's liar Ignore What is the point New York