I have been here for years telling you the truth about every thing you had taken from me

You had taken all my work and put it in the rain

The rain washed away all the deeds of the past

You do not know what I am saying

I am not going to tell you what I am saying

Because you will not listen 

You will not try

You are not a lawyer

You are a sexist

You are an arrogant, rude man

Who has no concern or dispondance

You need to relate your life to mine

You have to find a way to understand me

This is what you are doing all day long

If I stopped to read every single letter you wrote

I would have to accept your way of life

I read your way of life

It is rude and oppressive

I call to the star in the west

Look at me when I am talking to you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My name is James Burke,  you took my life away from me and called it yours

You have never acknowledged me

You have never danced with me

You are unwelcome in my house

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