
how it feels when you glance in my direction

erotic tease with profound connection

sweetly confined to affection's sweetness

panting line of sugar sweetness


i I have no recollection of the night

i I suppose it took place all in white

upon the brazen Baal of Jay

with hue bound form of love, In May


spray toward my ugly face

a beauty ring of spite in case

have I finally ceased my effort

the immortal said Odysseus was flight born playground I seek and Odysseus the Greek I don't know my mother was this not you say don't socks and green pastoral remote I gay to make not you don't seek me in betrayal I can not wear pink I am wearing pink oh my God you see me and I listed after your cock don't fuck me until I cry I want to cry while you poke me slowly stop calling me gay I just want 


I just want to be alive in all the measure of the try

if Kufi knew the place within then I would be a sinner's sin

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Laugh at my misfortune

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