Voices in My Head

Voices In My Head




flirting faces, evil traces, midnight places...


storms outside your window storms in the night


why is everyone today looking for a fight


there is voices inside my head the walking dead


evil has a name & it runs throughout


we blame, bitch & pout


to know what life is all about


we each have a gift down deep inside


many try to run away & hide


but I'm caught between a bind so stand in line


I was created by the masters design


we are here today then gone tommorow


a face full of sorrow


we must labor for the near road we should tred


outside is the walking dead


yet we came to far not to turn back now


can't turn around when your hands on the plough


out of mere sadness there is watchful gladness


making the best of what you have


some may complain it's all up for grabs


voices in my head telling me when to go to bed


the times they are changing


one darkened voice tells me to end it all


another heavenly voice says to give up it all


i'm being caught in a fix with a mystery in the mix


twisted lies of Satan trying to go home and fry up the bacon


I'll listen to the voice of reason even if it's in the changing of the seasons


the lover in life is not the sinner the less that you give your a taker


voices, voices go away come back no way


but I'm afraid there here to stay


I'm listen to the soft still voice with the peace that passes all understanding


that is a sure fire way to what I have been waiting for lest I implore another open door