as the blade goes across my wrists i cry

all the pain flows thru me and into the cut

i see it as it runs red down my arm

a sting comes to follow

i feel alive

i cry harder

this is what i've become

consumed with so much pain and hurt

every breath since birth has been it

why do i cut

i don't do it to die

i do it cause i feel alive again

i have control over something for once

its my way of getting rid of the pain

and i enjoy it

i cry harder

i enjoy it

why why why

what has happened to me

i stop for my own health

but will it every stop

how much will i have to go thru

what happens if it all gets worse

what will i do then.......

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is what has really happened so far..but its okays, for now....

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