Stories Blind'

A story told days on empty, a feeling so engulfing you burn by the slightest word

You can’t decipher feelings on a string of hope, jumping to the whim of someone

Living a life of emptiness and unknown pleasures, alone with heart broken

Crouching to protect your dignity to find you have none left, taken from you

You see what you wish you saw and wish you saw what you didn’t see

For the lies on the walls are truths in the heart, she loves you not!  But loves!

The taken grief of the one who left, was given to the one who isn’t you

Falls of hate and fear run your mind and ruin your dreams, for blinded are you

You see nothing but yet imagine that which will never be, in your eyes it exists

Reality hasn’t set in on your soul, and doesn’t accept that which surrounds you

Hurtful thoughts of real pain, dramatic plays of beautiful roles drawn in your eyes

Walking with no distance between you and the love wanted, but getting no where

Making what is not solid seem as though nothing will ever destroy, a phantom

Ghostly apparitions of vaguely noticeable faces, the one you lone to be with

Reminders of how you will never be there, holding the hand so softly and caring

Lives on end of a line of words, a tale of unfathomed reality and hated torture

Blind is the loved one who sees not what you have for them, you love so much

Hated is the one who has what you want, they took your life and soul

Although these dramatic states of mind exist, you know in your heart the truth

You see clear and open, the future has yet to unfold and show the life to live

What you dream and imagine in your mind and heart, may one day be reality

Recreation of fantasies may one day come to be, allowing the nights to end

I feel what you mourn, I see what you have lost and know of how it is to lose

But with one eye on the light is tomorrow I love, for without love we cant live

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