Spilled Blood'

Darkness crawls the skin of torture-ridden lives on hidden desires of Love and Hate.

Preys upon the eyes of desire underneath tendencies of over ridden heartache.

Take the piece of a soulless killer and derive from it what you wish.

Blood of a natural born survivor surpasses that of the one that would kill.

Mindless wanderings of a fateful night in sleep of dreams never seen, who are you?

You stray away far from the beginning of the road to end at the farthest reach of them all.

Thoughts pass through rivers of endless anarchy within the mind of a lost life.

To sway to the dark is that of an end; all in and of itself, living has no desire here!

I see the corruption caused by fear in hearts so dear, but life has no friend in me.

I lost a friend when I chose to live a life not meant for anyone on a realm of reality.

For nights fall and days never surrender their touch of warmth and good spirits.

We kill the everlasting feeling of goodness to die a terrible death with no Love.

Blood so red and dark, that of a new kill spills into the mind of mine soul.

Seeing that which was meant for me but closed its doors to my entry.

I knock at the door and await the answer of some young maiden, but to find myself alone.

Waiting so hard a duty of a soul looking to find an end, unwilling to see the truth of life.

I died one night, a horrible nightmare of reality struck the chord of chambers within me.

Sounds of evil entered and darkened the dwellings of who I am, I died one night alone.

Awakened in life and hushed by death, these are the ends of what I shall be and was.

For blood spilled on eves of mine loneliness has made me stronger than that of my killer.

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