Did I give you what you needed? Had I not been so blind I would have stopped it.
Taken from stories of old and legends of truth, our fairest thoughts of each other.
We saw with eyes never opened and hearts closed to the truth, Love is not blind.
For if blind the eyes that saw the future were, our destinies differently would have ended.
Poetic dismay of feelings so grand and unforgiving, pain brought out by what is felt.
On dreary nights alone and hurt lies our mind in wander, for our souls need each other
Twisted fate of when two meet and fall, disgraceful agony of rejection and loss
Death take with you all this for I need not be reminded of such an ordeal, I have lost
I cannot live as I do, with emptiness where hope once lived.
To end this eternal flame and to relinquish myself of all I have been through is my hope
Take my soul into fires of brimstone; cleanse it of all it once was
Make a new man out of ashes and dust for what is now living, a man it is not
Ending this book of empty chapters, a story never to be told again
For reminders of yesterday shall not belong in my heart and soul
Take away the hope of living a life of truth and beauty, end all I was
For today a new beginning is underway, and a soul in search of Love is left alone.