Beautiful smile my angel, BR071009
you are still in your hive
close to the heaven
near to God
So naive, so innocent
you have a real laugh of nothing
that is a real life
everything is fun
So little, so sensitive,
so tiny, so beautiful
no egoes, no mantras fake worlds
no doctrines, no prayers
Only my toys, my colours, new world
My darling, unfortunately, the jungle of animals
is sorrounding your paradise
evils with name of persons, selfish of blood
Just let the children play
leave them to enjoy, care for them
feed them and support
share your love and you'll get it back
Do not use innocent children as a tool
maybe tool of money, of power and control
Do not cut the love of the rain
let the blood of love bleed in happiness
Do not contaminate Children with our Society
isolate children of selfish egoes or parents
Keep safe and healthy their walls
cover them and protect them until they learn
Teach them the Good, away of the risk
spread the air with flowers and toys
smiles, laugh and joy.
Give millions of Tons of Love
because they are new angels in our world
Pray only to GOD to send the good angels
to look after them, when they are sleeping
and learning to walk.,
Bless all their lives and make a new world.