Money for Love

Is there any price for LOVE ?

is that a big question ?

Love has a price ?


Is your body . for sale ?

or Do you call it make a Living ?

Are you getting any profit from sex

or are you doing it for Love?

What a Stupid question for some !

But I am going to the Uni

and I have to pay for big rates

no time to think about it, morals

Morals , in the books of my Grand Mother only

We are in a modern world,

money is the world for me, she said,,,,

and she doesn't care now

Tomorrow, I might feel as a bitch

but , I will hide it from my children

from maybe different father or

perhaps, unknown men,

I am just playing the game of a woman

I've got the support of government and society

nobody will blame me

because I just wanted to be a Mother

Maybe it is getting to late

I have been a single for too long

Was not interested in formal relationship

only independence

and perhaps , freedom to do want I wanted

But, now. Bad luck for you

I am getting old

I have to have a child before

too late, or have  a disable

This is a Risk, but I didn't care before

many abortions, that now I might not wish

I am getting old, and he is never getting old

he can be a father any time, not me.

I am a woman , I might get the support

from everywhere and friends,

government just in case,

If he doesn't surrender to me,

Child Support is there, if I need it.

Not listen to me

I maybe crazy now

after all these years, of mucking around

this is my decision now

I am telling you this now

may be , I don't know what I want

but I want to be pregnant

and this is before is too late , now.....

With respect to the.........

Confidence of my friend...............

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