Someday in Brisbane
Maybe it is mid October
2020, Fuck year people call it
It is the time Stephen Hawkings
He is not here to give us
A real Scientific assesment
So, you have to believe
The politicians or the media.
As never we remember in our life
Everything has Stopped
Similar to an Atomic Bomb
Nobody was able to go out
35 Millions people sick
One Million deaths already
The Technology is on the Top
Now, However in Medicine NOT
What are we doing Humans ?
If you find that Politicians
Created this awful pandemic
There is not enough punishment
People are managed and signed in
In everything, "Terms and Conditions"
"Privacy Policy", with your mobile
,Internet, Smart TV, whatever you've got
Is this Freedom ? It is a question
Are we slave of the system?
Are we managed like Robots
Is this Democracy ?
At the End, all it is our fault
We are Stupid or pretenders
Who vote decides who is the leader
However, If you don't get involve
Do not complain , because
You can make the change
New generations are coming
Vote for the fair one if there is One