Silver Tears �

All of Me

The silent drips of rain pour from my eyes,

Splattering across this carbon sheet.

Glittering in the dimmed light they fall

Rapidly descending, forming an ocean complete.

A tear for each sad thought,

For each and every thing that's wrong.

Collecting behind these fleshy curtains,

Pooling together before they spill over from where they belong.

The pains of every day and night combine;

Of the many evils this world has hidden -

-deeply buried beneath our thin masks;

Of the nightmares of a young child that come unbidden,

The tears pour down my face tonight

Assembling together and blurring the page.

I cry with pity for our world.

Tears for all the animals locked in a cage,

For the child so free he died on the streets.

My face now washed I turn toward the glowing light,

I shed but one more tear for all,

It twinkles silver on this night,

For I shall move from this immense sorrow.

The eternal agony and heart wrenching pain

Advance towards the shadows of the past,

For the comfort of the Lord Almighty I may gain.

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