
The crowds are gathering
along the Ohio river bank
tonight, to watch the
famous Rossi's fireworks.

One side Ohio, the other
side Kentucky. Here I sit
wondering where are you,
wishing you were here with
me, missing you.

The night sky is ablaze
with beautiful fusions.I
saw your face in a star
burst, flashing across
the northern sky.

I reached to touch you,
wanted to chase it.
But in an instant all
was gone.The color
display so wonderful,
I sat in amazement.

I searched the mid-night
skies looking for you,
trying to draw you near.
Somehow you had escaped.

As the evening was ending,
once again drew you unto
myself.In loving thoughts
I say, good-night honey
I love you, rest well.

(c) copyright heather burns

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