Blood stained. Torn.

We limped up a muddy cliff to a place we now know as Hell.

We bathe in the sun, yet it doesnt reach within. It's like a poison that we drink but dont taste. Like children with no vision, we walk into this prison. Guns rattle.

-Echoes of George's suicidial, single shot to the head still plays on.

Men fall slowly, stupidly eating the dirt brought to their faces.

Lost boys. Eating Dirt.

This is a dirty place.

Filth. Blood. Red rimmed eyes.

Writhing minds eating the fruit of Eden.

This is my view of the slaughter.

ANd, yes I write with pity,  and suffused with horror.

Yet I barely blink when I fire off the shots, each shot to a man. One shot is yet to be shot for me. Each fate in a single calibur of powder incased by shrapnel.

And yes, I too will eat dirt.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

6th form english - war poetry

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