
I cant to a river,

deep as it was wide.

I sat upon it beach

and watched it flow.

I took one step in

and felt its current,

gliding past my leg

I dove beneath the

churning surface

dodging here and there

past obstacles which

lie in my path to

the other side.

I climbed out upon the opposite

bank. I glanced back at

the white water I hd crossed

to obtain adn reach my destination.

Night came and I began

to make my way back.

Once again I crossed

the treacherous boa of

twisting water adn writing current.

Upon my arrival at the other bank,

I stopped to catch my breath.

I started to walk back

towards the northern star,

leading me home,

when my foot struck a puddle.

My ankle twisted and broke.

I fell and broke my arms trying

to break my fall.

My face rolled into a

larger puddle beside me.

I became unconscious

with pain. I drowned.

Let not the size of the body

of water nor its possible

danger fool you.

Such is life.

Such is how life should be lived.

Carefully: not surpassing the

larger river, but not underestimating

the puddle.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

wow am I mellow.

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