Shadow Knight

When light fades down

And Darkness rise,

I see the beauty

In your eyes.

Wish the sun

wouldn’t leave your face

For it deserves to be seen by all

Till the end of time,

And since it had begun.

So I stand within the shade,

Gently placed against the wall,

Fight off dragons

Fighting for you

Then pray you’ll give the call.

Sun now gone,

Shadow surrounds,

All and nothing the same.

With you I sit

And you I love

With nothing but your love to gain.

My sword now perched

And now unsheathed,

I plummet into night time’s arms.

Here I fight amongst the shades

And keep you, my love, away from harm.

Night birds call

Snakes wrap my arms

Prevent me from killing foe.

I feel your touch against my shoulder

I reach for your hand.

Suddenly I’m pushed to the ground,

And covered with a thick

Black night.

Can’t see your beauty

Feel your breath,

Or hold my love within my sight.

Instead my eyes are filled with hate,

Not for you, but for hate itself.

I burst forth from the stampeding


And hold tight to my love’s tight hand.

I rip away

At black widow thoughts

And bury slithering memories.

I thrust my sword

Deep in gloom,

And let the sunlight hit your face.

Once again the dawn comes ‘round,

And once again I sleep,

Once again my love is safe

From being brought within

My darkness


I your Shadow Knight,

Will keep you safe for ever and a day.

So long as I have my night.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I hope this will shine some light on my name. I re wrote this poem while in San Angelo. I know your name's story. Heres Mine. I love you more than a thousand sunrises, and twice as many sunsets.

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