Death Asphyxie

Fingers, slow and nimble,

Twist and writhe round  the life which remains.

A breath, sweet breath, released into the cold.

A cloud of life, filled with death.

Hands, gone mad from the torment

Of years. Years wasted and years spent.

Clutching at what they can, escaped and gasping.

Lost grip. Chasing now, then grasping again.

Tighter, souls windows catch glimpse.

Breath struggles in throat, tries to escape.

Tries to enter. Chest burns with pain,

With wanting. Now tighter.

Windows, shut, open, shut.

Chest pulls in air. Releases.

Last breath. Cloud of lifelessness.

Cloud of defeat. Cloud of success.

Windows open and stare. Cold floor.

Fingers push back and body stands.

Not dead, but not alive inside.

Body lies beside his feet.

The man on the floor, pulls in a breath.

Feet stop. Chest stops. All stops.

Last cloud.  Feet start. Soul stops.

Never begins again.

Death by self asphyxiation.

The panging need for that which was plentiful.

The pain inside for that all around.

That thing

You can only say how it feels in French.


Death of all hope.

Last breath. Cold cloud in our hearts.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Late at night, I wrote this. Outside I sat staring at the moon and forgot to get a breath. Funny feeling, not breathing. That next breath is like our first, after awhile without air. A new beginning.

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