Happy feels like the living water that runs through my soul
The warmth of the sun upon my face
The arms of a small child around my neck
A tender kiss
Sharing a smile with someone you know
Sharing a smile with someone you don't know :)
Helping others
An amazing Christian song
My toes dug down deep into the sand
Hearing gentle ocean waves hit the land
Laughter, Laughter, Laughter
Especially, the deep belly kind, that brings tears to my eyes
A nudge on the hand and a wagging tail
A french vanilla cappuccino with marshmellows
Chocolate and the smell of roses and honeysuckle vines
A baby, five babies, or an even dozen
Watching your children grow....one by one
To marry
Grandchildren....oh those little ones with smiles on their faces
A glimpse of your eyes as they met mine
Sparkling sunshine
Your voice, when I first heard you smile
These are just a few things that happy feels like