words to come

I feel the words form on my lips,
I see them flow to my fingertips.
What stops them I do not know?
What is the fear of letting them go?

I want to speak them for you to hear,
I want to write them bold and clear.
The words wont come to my lips,
What is this fear that has such a grip?

I have said them to others before,
From pen to paper they have poured.
However, this time I want it to be right,
Therefore, until it is, I must stay quiet.

The day I whisper it in your ear,
No pen or paper will need to be near
I am sure when I have you close to me,
The fear will be released, and the words will flow free


i have held the words in me for years

im afraid saying them will add to my fear

you were suppose to keep me safe

instead you abused me and filled my heart with hate

Author's Notes/Comments: 

to anyone who has been abused as a child, dont hate the abuser, hate is hard to let go of, i know, feel sympathy for them, grow stronger, dont let them make you into a victim, be a suvivor 

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