The Pure, With the Impurites


It’s our only mask.

We use hide all the impurities

That we stare at in the mirror everyday.

Constantly wondering

Why me?

Why not the girl

who makes friends with everyone

Just to talk behind their back and later stab it.

Why not the boy

Who has broken so many innocent hearts

That we wonder if he even has his own.

yet us,

the pure ones, with impurities,

are the ones who are insulted daily.

Fake, Ugly, Loser, Wannabe

The names go on and on.

They obviously cannot see

We wear this mask to boost our confidence,

Just to have it knocked back down

By their low blows and their constant glares.

That believe me,

Hurt much more than sticks and stones.

The brainwashed adults and “concerned” parents are no help.

Their voices like a soundtrack stuck on repeat.

“Kids can be cruel.”

As if that is suppose to comfort us.

I say us,

But that answer is only received by the few that reach out for help.

The truth still stands,

Millions of us sit in silence,


We ask why no one helps us,

As if we believe that people are aware,

Silence is our loudest cry for help.

Yet looking back, we realize,

Makeup was only our excuse.

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