Exploding a Fun Guy and Scaring Nature

A new place, not all too different. I’ve still positioned myself relatively close to the breakpoint circle of this section, once again on a black bad thrown atop a log to comfort my legs. I once again come across these creepish round fungii attached to the log. Because they seemed so sketchy and intimidating to me, I decided to poke at one with my pencil. It seemed solid at first, but then seemed as if it may be filled with liquid, so I chose to stop… but my curiosity peaked. I prodded at a second fungus ball and I opened it up to find a purpley clay-like material inside of it. It seemed quite fun, and having ADD, I embraced the opportunity to distract myself some more, and began to poke a third fungus ball. Suddenly it just exploded with pink powder. I shreiked in shock, as I was startled. It was so much more beauteous and intriguing.

The more howling dogs, the more whispering winds; the more nature threw itself at me, the more beautiful it seemed to me, I felt more connected to the “nature” I was sitting in. I myself, felt more natural. I could not help but be drawn back to my unnatural world, more people chatting and joking around; they scared nature off! Made it inacessable to themselves, and even to me. As they cared less to be in nature, she decided to leave; Nature did not wish to be beauteous to those who appear to Nature itself in a nasty manner. Most unfortunately, Nature and I had been growing closer, as I wished to embrace it. Man holds somewhat as beautiful as his own nature, I wished to call this all my nature. No one could sit still to appreciate my dear friend, and so, to my disappointment, she left.

Suddenly, my mind would travel nowhere. I was blind to this “nature”, I felt as if I were trapped in the woods, I wished for nothing more than to return home and go online to talk with some people. My mind for nature fled my body, and left my soul with but one topic to ponder over… JOHN [full page]. Why couldn’t my mind escape him? I wished to take my day with nature seriously, not to blow it off to think about any old thing that I could think about some other time. But he came into my thoughts, and they seemed so happy to host him. What was I supposed to do? I wished to live in this moment, out in the woods, without my mind traveling off to other things. However, I rarely ever live in single moments where my mind isn’t off thinking about something [whether it be a boy, or my family, or anything else], and in fact, I never get the chance to calm down and think about all those things that float around in my head from day to day. Nature, in the same beauty that I tried to offer her, gave me the calmed opportunity I needed to express myself and evolve my thoughts at last.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

walden simulation part 2

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