
I smiled childishly in this photo those years ago

Blocking the blistering sun from burning out my eyes

With my clip-ons matching my chestnut hair

My old coach holding my shoulder, back from battling

The Lyme disease he had, which I myself would

Two years later be battling.

My hair wrapped in the realm of my helmet

That middle length that gave me the name

Jesus, a name that tortured me through public school

I hated that helmet, beat up and uncool

Not the kind for boarders like us.

Me Matt, and everyone else in line for the lift.

I unclipped the buckle and set my chin free.

I remember hopping onto the chair, praying I would make it

Safely off, as I slid onto the glistening snow

I heard it crunching under the clench of my board

And felt the wind blow back in my face to steal my breath.

The edge digs in too far and I flip. My helmet falls off

I just keep riding, and my hair too whips in the wind

I do miss it dearly- I have forgotten how to ride

But I remember the crunching beneath me

The loss of breath and my flailing hair

Experiencing Exhilaration

Author's Notes/Comments: 

9th grade portfolio.

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