The Greedy Squirrel

The Greedy Squirrel

In the forest winter was coming. All of the animals were preparing for the winter season by collecting food and building their shelter. There lives a squirrel that was determined to amass as many acorns as he could. He was a very greedy squirrel.  greedy squirrel and spent most of his time collecting the essential food for the winter time. He collected so much food that there was not enough for the rest of the animals. Other animals were desperate for food because if they didn't collect enough, that would mean they would starve. The Quail passed by the squirrel´s hut and realized that the squirrel had food to spare.

So he asked the squirrel “Hello dear neighbor”

“Hello Quail” replied the squirrel.

“I see that you have some extra food there, could I possibly have some? I have been looking for hours and there is a shortage of food in the forest.”

The squirrel instantly denied and told him to go away.

As the days started to get colder and colder more animals struggled to find food in the barren forest.

Happy with his accomplishments, the squirrel would lay back and rest all day, he was oblivious to the other animal´s despair.

Then the Fox came and asked the squirrel “Excuse me, could you possibly spare me some food so that I can feed my family this winter?”

“No! I worked to get all this food since August. It is not my problem that you were lazy and started collecting too late. Now go away and leave me alone!” he replied.

“Please! It won't even make a difference because you can't eat all of the food by yourself before it rots” said the fox.

The squirrel chose to ignore him. What the squirrel did not realize was that he should have eaten the food he collected in August first, because it was beginning to rot. And even if he had, he couldn't possibly eat so much food by himself.

By the next month, the squirrel took a bite out of one of the acorns and found that it was spoiled. He then tried another, which was also spoiled. He was now aware that his food supply for winter was rendered obsolete.

The squirrel had to swallow his pride and ask other animals for food. But none of the animals had spares because he had taken most of them a long time ago.

The squirrel was starving, but luckily the winter ended and fruits began to blossom. He learned his lesson, from now on he would share and collect only what is necessary, that way he wouldn't waste so much time collecting surplus food and leave some for the rest of the animals.

Written by me and Gabriel Salinas

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