Wicked Wasted Workings

Where is my heart now?

Is there a reason that I feel so cold inside?

Am I so beaten by the past that I've decided that I've had enough?

I give what I can, I take nothing back. The decisions that i've made

will stick,

the mistakes,

the fuck ups,

the make ups,

the let downs.

When I woke up, there was something hanging over me,

Bad dream?

Horrible thoughts?

Did I see something in my mind that upset me?

I cant answer that, because simply, I have no idea.

If I could answer it, would I want to know the truth?

Or would I try to ignore it, and hope for the best?

The unanswered questions seem to be the worst.

I know the truth in alot of situations,

But it seems that others think I don't.

despite  what people think of me,

I'm not an idiot.

I know that things are happening,

and i will continue to think and know that much.

You dont fool me.

You never have.

You never will.

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