
Me, you are so great, why do you let people walk all over you.

Me,You have so much ahead of you, why do you live in the past.

Me,You have the warmest heart, why do you keep it cold and closed.

Me, people are trying to help you, why do you push them away.

Me, Someone loves you for who you are, why cant you open your heart.

Me, Who the fuck do you think would be, without the love of friends.

Me,Where the fuck do you think you'll be happy, with others or alone.

Me, Why the fuck do you fight for relief, Happiness is right in front of your face.

Me, Who the fuck do you choose to believe, is it me or everybody.

Me, Your scared to move on and achieve, Oppertunity is staring you in the eyes

Me, Your too scared to care or love anybody, You locked your heart to the feelings of security.

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