I always have so many thoughts on the way I think my life should be
everyday I think to myself what in the hell am I doing
I feel like I am at a dead-end in my life where even if I set out a goal
it would become pointless as it would fail
I am comfortable in this town that I live and I know most everything about it,
but there are so many things out there that I could be persuing in
there are so many people that live here and live day by day and enjoy things as they are,
but those people have things constantly going on for them
searching for drugs, working for their next sack or crack or whichever
I can't live like that and I feel even as a person that doesn't do drugs I can't live in this town
forever sober
because regardless of how strong a person is this city will drive you to insanity
the dramatic motherfuckers, the users, the abusers, the selfish fucking losers
I know it's everywhere and I can accept that but the same old bullshit lies beneath me in this crusty smelling shit hole of a town
my friends I've found are really not friends when it comes down to it
if I have something to offer-i'm a friend
if I do drugs and can hook you up-i'm a friend
if I have a car and will give you rides-i'm a friend
I have nothing to offer
I don't do drugs
and have no car
like I said i'm a fucking loser in this town
without the person in my life right now I think I would be in a nut house
I need to escape
I hate this town
I'm sick of it, I'm sick of the shit, I'm sick of the drug forsaken losers, the fucking dramatic motherfuckers
i'm sick of living in the drama that this town has put upon me
it's the hell of the earth
but it's home