I'm a mere stranger in your eyes
That you don't wish to look upon
Yet, I continue to keep you wondering.
I'm the voice in the wind;the soft whisper
That you don't want to hear
Yet, I continue to call you closer to me.
I'm the feeling in your heart
That you hold so dear, but don't wish to test
Yet, you call on my when times get rough.
I'm the knife on your night stand
That you swear you won't use
Yet, my blade pulls you in.
I'm the shadows lurking around
That you don't want to step into
Yet, I allow your pressence;
As you allow mine.
I'm the blood from your wounds
That you want to just disappear
Yet, my glow, keeps you wanting more.
I'm the dead best friend
That you didn't want to see die
Yet, inside you really did.
I'm the axe in the shed
That you dream about killing with
Yet, you erge yourself to let go.
I'm the girl you see everyday
That you love with all your heart
Yet, you simply also can't stand.
I'm the reality of your life
That you never want to face
Yet, you know you will someday.
I'm the addiction
That you want to go away
But, I keep you close...