A Poem About love

I decided to write a poem about love just now


No, not about the kind of love we know well

The soul mate we all search for endless nights


No, not the kind we once thought we had

Where we grabbed onto it too tightly until we lost


No, not the kind that cost us sleepless nights 

Wondering if we were adored by the one we adored


No, not the kind like in the movies

Once we meet, he is the one for us 


No, not the kind that stops or starts music

Or the kind we can still feel on our lips

Or the kind that we think was meant for us


The kind of love I am speaking of is strong

It's so strong that it will stop the wind.

And will part the oceans and melt the lava.


Yes, it's the kind that is made in the heavens 

It's speechless and it is tender


Yes, the kind that feels like mother’s arms

The kind that holds you tight and never lets you go


The kind of love I am speaking of doesn't care who you are

It's always nurturing, replenishing, and all loving


The kind of love that forgives and forgets all faults

The kind of love that doesn't keep score 


The kind that is unwavering and unchanging 

It’s the kind that always rests in us 


And yes, 

I am talking about the most treasured love of all 


That kind of love is all inclusive 

It is timeless and it is ageless


It's the kind of love that if you ever felt it

It will leave you speechless


It is the kind of love that has no substitute 

The kind of love I am talking about is


The love of all things 

Once you have it you will never lose it


To all my fellow passengers

My heart rests in love

I hope your heart experiences such a gift


Cheers with love




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