Dreams are Real

I lose sleep

But I know this is what i want to keep

Dreams make you fly

To the point where your up so high

Let your mind freely soar

To be confident to walk out that do0r

Never lo0k back to regret

You have accomplished all the dreams that you've met

The past made you stronger

But there, you are no longer

Believe in who you are

Because there is a memory behind each scar

Now i see things more clear

Which causes me to hold back my shedding tear

I feel so small

Like a baby struggling to crawl

Don't let anyone take those dreams away

Thats when you will regret it day by day

The ones that are there

You know they truly care

Never fear any harm

When the love of your life comes to you w/open arms

Take his arms and wrap them around you

Now your safe, no matter what you do

The warmth of his body, the beat of his heart

Shows we'll never stand apart

Never say never

Because never can turn into forever

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