when i was younger so much younger than today i never stole anybodies lyrics in anyway,
but now I'm much older than before and i'll nick your words right from under floor.
Yer I stole your beat but thats cos you dropped it, you can't take the heat but thats cos poped it....
in the oven on gas mark nine, to high to climb, these words are mine.
I'm like a bad memory faded and obscure, the fact your reading this is a testament to what you can endure.
The words most terrible song, played to the beat of a single gong.
but hey it better in more than one way,
If you compare... If you dare to the content of lady baby gurgle??
lady furgle burble... no wait its lady gaga... haaa should of asked he DADA for some origional ideas,
her songs bring me to tears and it confirms my worst fears that more than just she thinks its all cool,
to dress up in food and act like a fool.
It can't just be me... or is it cos I iz old
where was the devil when all their souls where sold?
thats about it time to wrap it up, like a white boy being gangsta i say nonsense like brrrap pop pop
please oh please god just let it all stop...........