Islands of Stream


Back to my islands of stream

Where clear waters set me in a dream

My thought sits in the weather,

So lovely and refreshingly, fair.

In here are beds of oyster rocks,

And garden of beaded locks;

They’re made from clustered seaweeds:

A maiden’s crown upon her head.

I change into a mermaid’s form

And swim and frolic with the foam

White as milk and soft as floss;

I giggle in every toss.

These islands of stream my wish bestows.

My dream castles where I hide my blues.

With swaying waters freely, go by.

Around the moats, they stray and leave a sigh. .

Stream of peace,

I found a place.

Rest I seek,

That I beseech.

Copyright @lcd, October 5, 2007

FOT, The Entrance, NSW Australia

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~This is a potpourri of nature and fantasy in my melancholic state; enjoying my newfound “islands of stream” where my fortress is. Here I love watching the friendly waves come back and forth causing its foam to run by and then clear away around the rocks full of beaded seaweeds and oyster beds. In the middle of these “islands” are wells of seawaters settling very calmly, pristine and clear.~

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