On top of this big broad rock;
I found a seat to sit upon,
Watching at the blue ocean,
Calm and peaceful in its depth;
There’s no trace of vanity.
The waves keep tossing,
Relentlessly caress the shore.
Every lap sounds a rhapsody
At every note of the wind.
As the waves, confront the rocks,
They spray in random motion,
Pacing fast, medium and slow,
Each tempo harmoniously flows.
This rock is my throne and my shelter,
Away from the world where I falter;
My fortress from life’s distress,
Here I found solace and peace.
On this big rock I ponder,
What lies ahead and yonder?
Meditating, contemplating
For every travails besetting;
I let them go through the wind.
@lcd, 3rd October 2007
FOT, The Entrance, NSW Australia