Days hasten towards dusk;
Cloudy skies chasing daylight.
Soon twilights settle in revealing,
What veils the mystic darkness that deem.
Snow clouds feather the air;
Wafting freezing blows of wind;
Ready to imperil the cautious days;
Icy drops pelting without mercy.
Like a lazy kite, its movement seems
Graffiti of snowflakes flying slow;
Like cotton balls from the pillows;
They dance amidst the unrelenting gales.
The blanket of dense whiteness
Fills the ground neatly trimmed;
Capping mountains, covering the hills
Spectacles of beauty: fresh and crisps.
Days are short; nights are long;
Shriver sends thrills to the bones;
Patient notes of enduring anticipation;
The journey ends as coldness reels away.
~ greenmeadow ~
@finished 25 Sep. 06
Note: started writing in August (?)