
(The Unchartered Poetry Forum, not PP)

In the poetry forum

Where many people join the room;

Everybody is there.

They come from everywhere.

The family of poets

Come together to vie their bets;

They form a conglomerate of

A thousand fold talent and gift.

At first, I thought it was harmony,

That brought us together

In sheer spirit of sharing;

Aim is to foster friendship on the net.

Intrigue, jealousy soon inflamed;

Crafty marks, bile and venom unveil;

The ignominious, bigoted schemes;

Chaos turns peace into vengeful chagrin.

Slowly each one disintegrates,

Without reason quietly leave feeling tormented;

Their sides unheard, their demise untold;

Why oppressors win; the downtrodden faint?

@LCDancel, 19 Jul. 06

Author's Notes/Comments: 

~ some humans are wicked. they are most happy when they inflict harm and pain to their fellowmen ~

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