I'm Declaring my Independence Bitchez!

I think that its time for me to declar my independence

And its about fuckin’ time

All my life, I’ve been doing what they have said, and I’m just fuckin’ done with all this shit, I’m done with stero types being right, and things in life being too short,

I want to disobey the rule, and I want to go run in the streets, some place they have said was unsafe, and I want to be a theif, and I want to be a drop out, and I want to drink and drive, and I’m going to cuss all the time, and I want to write a book the bitches about everyone I hate, and it everyone will hate it because it will be about them, and I wont give a shit, Fuck it, I want to date a woman, something like a real relationship, you know that type of thing that they have always said was a sin and that I would burn in a hell forever, just for loveing another human-fucking- being,

I can get some fancy dudes to sign my declaration, slap down youre John Handcock bitches its time for some independence,

I’m going to get a tatto just because they said I couldn’t,

I’m going to die my hair, because this fancy paper with all these fancy words says that I can do what ever the fuck I want,


This is all that I want,


A life… A life with out these mother fucker telling me what to do, who to like, what to say.

I’m fucking breaking away! I’m gone and don’t with this shit,

Check me the list, because the leash you want to keep me on doesn’t strech as far as the place I’m going,

You cant hold us down forever,

Because all of us together, were getting the fuck out of here,

While you sit around staying inside your walls, abideing by the rules you fools have made,

The free ones, will be splashing around in a pool, in a world where your fucking rules are the lubecration to out fucking masterbation,

Nothing will hold us back, nothing will chain me down,

The clock says its time,

Time to declar some independence. 

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