Speak Up

Amidst a thousand prayer balloons,

grabbing this one, that, the other.

Where do I start?

     They all look the same,

     but I'm trying to harness the strain

     into focus.

     Into your locus of control

     to let you sort

     my dysfunction.

Cleanse the disparity

between faith and fashion.

Allow me to live

outside of myself

for a


And let it subside...

     Would I see

     a soul well graced,

     or smoke and mirrors

     among well placed lies?

Can't tell you how much it scares me

that I may be just barely in-tune

with your song,

while humming my own

and laying the tracks

for a train that doesn't completely belong.

I beseech you;

help me discern

between fire

and what it burns.

Between a crank

and what it turns.

Between a few bad ads,

an editorial,

and a whole magazine.

Between me and You.

Between You and me.

Between be- and -tween.

Before I'm so absorbed in words

I forget what they mean...

How do I speak to You, then?

Give my two cents

if my bank account is frozen

in a pocketless world?

How do I skyrocket

past the stars

if the clean air

thins my breath?

How do I salvage the chapters left

as my story unfolds?


I can't find a way to walk

without stumbles

or talk

without mumbles.

So historically, I return

to You

who asks,

rather rhetorically,

why I left in the first place.


Glad to be back.

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