Daily Bread

A twist

in the pit of my stomach

reminds me

how hungry I am

for you.

And with arms outstretched

I'd send fingertips

over the land

for fractional contact

if you would just


to hold my hand...

I'm not some desperate romantic

trying to stir up

impossible dreams.

I only ask

for a chance

to dance the same song

again and again...

to belong

to your pattern...

Of working out taxes together,


how much it would cost

to replace our couch.

And sifting through grocery bags

as, in tandem, we store

every product

straight down to the ounce.

Maybe pick up the kids from school

and have dinner together.

No biggie...

It's just that,

I'm dizzy without you, partner

and only half alive...

I pray for familiar greetings

and warmer smiles

than that of which

I'm acclimatized to.

And I'm thankful

that somewhere

your incomplete lips

breathe the same.

That longing for the ritual

of laying together

and sharing space

every night,

every night....

Call me insane,

But it feels so right.

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