Blades of tender grass
Spread across in whiffs
Amidst teal sky backdrops -
A scent of what we're worth.
Tree souls adorned with
Heart swingsets
Under cloudless light -
Essence of our inner earth.
Driven by. Ignored.
In favor of
Solid building blocks
Of economy
And capital stock.
Concrete business ladders to climb
And wall street signs to follow.
Pools of efficiency to burn,
Drown in and swallow.
Ignoring the luscious rays
Of Summer Suns
And Winter Breeze
If it means
Getting the x's and o's done.
But never minding your p's and q's...
Lost in the alphabet of the American dream
Right next to the letter 'i'.
And so we will commute forth
On stallions of engine and steel.
Hooves churn smoke
And toxic chokes
Among the greyish roses -
The death of emotion
Beneath oceans of dollar bills.
And we will cough
On our own bubbles
Trying to talk through the rubble
Just to be heard
And redefine our existence
Within this ghost of a herd...