One day you'll understand
Why I think you're such a
I guess
There's no one way
To coin
This term
Or what it means
But instead just define
The ways it burns.
That carries me
Above the sounds
Of all my mediocre
Middle ground.
And sends me careening off
Of highways.
Crashing into walls
Of all your stone resolve
To capture life
By the horns
And steer it
Right into
Heaven's home.
They'd like to call it
Being blinded
By the Sun that radiates
Out from your tongue
With every whisper.
But I've sense enough
To know that such things lie behind us.
For you satiate
Me with a certain will
A certain kindness
That at times can spill
Like soothing ointments
Over aching blisters
Gathered at my fingertips
From when I typed you pretend letters
Hoping they would linger
In our made up world -
Completely separated from this Earth.
Surroundings soon unfurl
Into nothing except
Me... and this...
This precious girl.
This lovely definition of a woman
Spread across the sky
In cloud apostrophes
And sunshine nouns...
I think today you'll understand
Why I think you're such a
I guess
There's no one way
To coin
This term
Or what it means
But instead just define
The ways you make me learn
Things about
You and me...