Plastic Ammunition




Yes... it hurts to thousands

Just to pen this.

Yes... it's tempting

Just to end this...


Complex verbs and vowels

Designed to intertwine

Around a rhyme so foul.

And such the headache

When I find

That the ending always chimes

With a predestined sound.


Ink that seeks discovery

Has been a mouse in maze -

Testing every path

To exits that were clean layed out for days.


This trail-worn tongue,

Repeating expeditions
With lyrical ambition.
Packing poet firepower
Just to discover
I hold plastic ammunition.


Here, my writer's block convenes
To clasp my lips
And cloud your eyes from what I mean.
But Jesus... I just wish to come undone and clean
And be the core you sink a ravished tooth beneath.
I wish... I wish... to gleam
For you... tonight.


Listen, please...

For just a spell longer.

I pray I can conjure you

Something stronger.



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