Prayer of a Mother
How did the Mother know when her daughter was crying?
When her child felt like the whole world had shut its doors and now she was dying.
How did the Mother feel her son’s plea?
When he shouted and begged the demons to flee.
It was on her knees as she knelt before God.
Asking Him for wisdom and understanding to see beyond –
The destruction that her babies were facing –
She prayed on her knees and while she was pacing
She saw them completely free,
Serving God Almighty as they ought to be.
She spoke their destiny of peace, joy, and love
Total completeness that only comes from heaven above.
The children’s faith increased, they vowed never to depart
From the Lord’s healing comforting hand –
They no longer trusted in man
Life was dedicated to Adonai’s plan
Yes, the tears have dried and the demons are bound
Because of the power that lies in the sound
of a praying Mother.