ill help you

my love is it truly over

has my love faded once again

from your heart

you used to have a contagious smile

now its gone cold and dark

Dont be sorry for the pain

you have inflicted upon me

You need this time to focus

on your life and it changing

ill be here waiting

when the sun will shine for you

and ill be here standing

to see that smile become once again true

your life is a whirlwind

that wont stop until it shatters

everything good in your life

but ill still be here

i can handle whatever pain

that you will throw my way


but you need to help yourself

you need to talk this out

you know you cant make it on your own

but ill be here whenever you need me

ill cry here while your heart is mending

dont try to be that strong guy around me

cause you dont have to hold it back in front of me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

ill always be here...remember that

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